Scottish Bagpipes For All Occasions
Available for Weddings, Funerals, and Special Events
Welcome to
I would be honored to play bagpipes for your special occasion whether it is a wedding,
funeral, church service, party, military function, or corporate event. I created
this website to act as a resource to help those looking to hire a qualified Scottish
bagpiper and hope that you find the information here useful. I have tried to provide
explanatory information to help you determine the best fit for your bagpiping needs.
If I am unable to perform for you personally, I will help you to hire a qualified
bagpiper who can.
If you are looking to learn to play the bagpipes, I would be happy to assist you
in finding a qualified bagpipe teacher. Please visit my instruction page for more
information on getting started.
Thank you for visiting my website.
Yours Aye,
Jerry Finegan
My Credentials at a Glance
- Actively competes on bagpipes at the Professional
- EUSPBA Piping Judge
- Former member of the City of Washington Pipe Band (Grade I)
- Member (and former Pipe Major) of the Atlanta Pipe Band (Grade
- Former Pipe Major of the North Carolina State University Pipes & Drums (Grade III)
- EUSPBA Graduate Certificate (2008)
- Piping & Drumming Qualifications Board Level Five Piping Certificate (2008)
- EUSPBA Overall Champion for Amateur Grade
I (1997)
- Five Time Winner of the MacCrimmon Quaich presented by Clan MacLeod

Me at the 2004 World Championships in Glasgow, Scotland. My bagpipe band, the City of Washington Pipe Band, had just qualified for the finals
in Grade One where we placed 14th in the World.